Unified for a common result: satisfy the customer

In order to offer a complete service in the field of electrical documentation, Phema has established synergic relationships with companies that perform complementary activities.


The name “b-sm @ rk” comes from “be smiley @ work” (smiling at work), the slogan we created aims at the search for personal satisfaction in the workplace. We are at the forefront of leveraging the experience of our users at work, and are committed to helping businesses and organizations improve their HRM. We teach systems management with our innovative services.

All brands in the world would like to have customers for life. We believe that to achieve this goal we must create a high level of intimacy with our customers, and become constant in providing our customers with a high level of satisfaction. This means understanding who our customers are, their personalities and subjectivity, what they think and what they buy, their priorities.


Reliable partner for the whole range of linguistic consulting services to companies, Imagine has qualified and specialized personnel for the management of communication with foreign countries.
Imagine takes care of a company’s style, personalizing it to even the most particular needs: the internal staff, composed of 15 people, manages and supervises a vast national and international network of highly professional freelance mother-tongue translators.

mail invito SPS 2018 parte04MIPP – Machine Integrator Partner Program per Schneider Electric

Phema is proud to be part of the MIPP program that allows you to become official Schneider collaborators, a recognition that guarantees the certainty of receiving a high quality service for the realization of your project.


Reliable partner for all the companies who need to rely on third parties for mechanical development, analysis, industrial drawings. They offer services that start from industrial development to industrial design. They can also convert 2D CAD projects in 3D, render all sort of graphics and animations also offering the possibility of outsourcing. Click on the image to learn more.

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